When life throws you curve balls, you might have to drop everything else just to catch them. In my case, a new job has been taking up a lot of my time, but I can tell my lack of face time with blogging and writing has made my inner writer cranky. So, expect more of me in the future.
What caused this wake up call?
A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to check out the Fierce Reads tour at my local independent bookstore Tattered Cover. It was awesome. The line-up featured: Leigh Bardugo (see my gushy review of her first Grisha novel Shadow and Bone), Jessica Brody, Anna Banks, and Emmy Laybourne.
I went for Leigh Bardugo, but ended up loving the whole panel of awesome ladies. They were all there to support their recently released YA novels. It was fun and silly and a little girly and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I was quite literally inspired to pick my writing back up with a new story I've had bouncing around in my head. As a writer, I've found that sometimes an evening with people who love books and talk about characters like they're real people (which they are) can kind be affirming and remind you why you decided to take this crazy journey in the first place.
I would have been back sooner, but I've been reading the six books I bought from the signing. Go me :)
My goal is to NaNo for summer camp and I hope to have more updates on my progres. Wish me luck!
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