Friday, June 8, 2012

Fixation Friday: New Library!

I can't help but smile every time I pass a public library. I'm not sure why this happens, but inevitably I see a mom and her 2+ kids scampering out the doors with arms full of books. These scenes seem so idyllic that I end up looking over my shoulder to see where the director for the lifestyle commercial they must be shooting placed the cameras (b/c these things don't happen like this IRL, do they?). Unless the director has craftily hidden the cameras in bushes, this does happen regularly and it warms the cockles of my cold, jaded heart.

I say jaded because here in Denver most libraries are only open four days a week, and it breaks my heart. When I frequent my local library (as often for books as I do for access to a cheap printer ((because I don't have one and really don't care to buy one))), I see the same situation each time - kids running around the courtyard, families playing in the toddler area with kids books and stuffed animals, adults taking continuing education classes on the Microsoft Office Suite. It makes me so happy to see how the library isn't just a quite place for reading, it is a community gathering space. It's a place kids can go to safely waste away the summer. Where adults looking for jobs can brush up on their Excel skills. It's a valuable resource that should be open every day of the week. Money is tight, and I understand the need for cities to reign in their spending. I just wish there was a way to do it without sacrificing these neighborhood jewels.

This sums up EXACTLY how I feel (via Bookshelf Porn)
Enough of the sad stuff and on to the good news. A new library is about to open up near my office in Denver. The last one that the City of Denver opened up is the penultimate modern library with a huge selection of books, media, and space for study groups or informal business meetings. I'm counting down the days until August 11th!

Educate yourself about the topic in this post:

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